Thursday, August 11, 2011

Getting Ready for Counter Tops

A lot of hard work has been put into installing the kitchen cabinets.  I'm happy to report that we are almost ready for our counter tops! 

Keith Mello was very busy yesterday.  Not only did he try to give us a heart attack and cause temporary deafness with the nail gun (which he is so completely proud of because he found it at a garage sale for $2), but he, Mark, and Ted fit the cabinets with the plywood that's going to support the granite.  As punishment for the heart attack and temporary deafness, Debbie decided that she would walk around the house and sing at the top of her lungs because she knew it would annoy the heck out of him.  After about five minutes, she and I were laughing so hard at his complaints she couldn't finish singing her song!  Today, he is going to make the cut-out for the kitchen sink and measure all of the tops so that we can order the granite this weekend.

Hopefully by next week we can check off a few more items from our to-do list.

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