Friday, September 2, 2011

Living Through The Renovation

We are officially living in our new house!  We moved all of our "things" over from the apartment on Saturday the 27th, Sunday the 28th, and Monday the 29th.  It was completely exhausting, overwhelming, and frustrating but over and done with, and now we can slowly start putting things in their places around the house.

On Tuesday the 30th, I spent six hours (yeah, 6 hours!) cleaning the apartment.  I had anticipated it being a three hour job, but I was sadly mistaken.  The refrigerator and stove themselves took and hour each to clean.  And just so you know, we are not dirty people!  I cleaned these appliances regularly, but I was so worried that they were going to charge us up the backside to clean them that I wanted to make sure they were spotless!  By the time I was done, the apartment looked like it did the day we moved in (apart from the carpets).  Mark completed our final walk through with the apartment's management on the 31st and turned our keys in.  When Mark came home he brought with him the cleaning/repairs report.  They basically stated that they needed to clean everything again and that touch up painting and carpet cleaning was needed.  So who the heck knows how much they are going to charge us!  It's out of my hands now and I'm moving on! :)

We've all had some late nights this week.  I've been moving things into the rooms that they will live in and getting the master closet organized.  Everyone else worked on the floors, the guest bathroom, closet organizers, and ceiling fans.  Also, our cable, phone line, and Internet was set up on Wednesday.  I love the TV background noise!  It's really starting to feel more like a home.  We see the light at the end of the tunnel;  hopefully everything will be done by the end of September!  I can't wait to celebrate with family and friends!

Debbie and Atorina grouting the master shower.

Keith and Mark hanging the guest bathroom's mirror.

Guest bathroom vanity

Master bedroom's closet

Family room


Bar top counter

Dining room

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