Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We've got a house!

It's official!  Mark and I have a house!  This was one of those "it was meant to be" sort of situations because it happened so easily and so quickly.  The afternoon of Saturday, June 4th we were asked by Mark's parents and aunt and uncle to meet at the house.  Two hours, four Starbucks coffee drinks, and two Foster's Freeze milkshakes later we were discussing paint colors, kitchen cabinets, and granite counter tops!  Monday the 6th the offer was placed and on the 7th we found out the offer was accepted by the sellers!  We were all ecstatic!  July 6th is the official close date and when we will receive our keys!  Here is a photo of our lovely ranch style home with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, formal living, formal dining, sun room, and a large u-shaped backyard for Buffy to play in.

So what have we been up to so far?  Well, for the past two weeks we've been in and out of Lowe's, Home Depot, Bedrosian's, and Turlock Granite Gallery and on and off of various home improvement websites.  Also, we have brand new home appliances thanks to our loving family that we can't wait to start using!

So what needs to be done?
  • New kitchen cabinets
  • New kitchen counter tops
  • New paint for the entire interior of the house
  • New carpet in the family room
  • New master bedroom shower
  • Carpet cleaning in all of the other rooms
  • Possibly new kitchen and entry floors
  • New ceiling fans and light fixtures
  • A security alarm system
  • New locks on the doors
  • And whatever else we can afford at this time!
How are we going to accomplish all of this?
Keith Mello, my father-in-law and the mastermind behind the whole remodeling part of this, and helpful family and friends who have already pledged to donate their time, strength, and love to this project will be working together to get everything done!  We are truly blessed!

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