Tuesday, July 12, 2011


With the help of five families we were able to demolish most of the interior of the house.  Ten men, who were ready, willing, and able, accomplished quite a bit in two days.  What did they accomplish? They...took out all of the kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and appliances; pulled up the carpet and linoleum in the entry way, hallway, family room, bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, and pantry; pulled out two showers; started to remove the "crap ceiling"; and took out a wall!

But the men weren't the only ones working!  The girls kicked some demolition butt, also!  Sophie and I removed the shelving in all of the closets, pulled up all of the carpet tack strips, removed wall paper, and scraped linoleum glue off of the concrete while looking fabulous the entire time! :)

Aunt Betty was our resident clean-up boss.  She made sure we weren't making a mess and cleaned up after us if we were!

Michelle was our photographer!  She took tons of great photos, which you can see below.  And, she even fed us!

I have to say, this was the most fun I've had remodeling a home!  More updates to come!

Erik, Mark, and Eric pulling out the cabinets.

Dennis, aka Bosley, removing the "crap ceiling."

Ed and Erik scraping up the linoleum glue.

Our lunch provided by Michelle Payne!

The Charlie's Angels of Demolition!

The camera shy, Zaia, did an awesome job on the two bathrooms.  I told him I would put a plaque with his name on it on both bathroom doors! :)

Atorina patching up holes.  She's a pro!

Buffy watching over her palace.

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