Monday, July 18, 2011

Super Women and Men of Ceiling Scraping

It's been nine days since we began working on the house.  We've accomplished quite a bit, but our biggest accomplishment has been the removal of the popcorn ceiling in all of the rooms.

My mother asked, "Why in the hell would they do this?!"  in reference to putting in a popcorn ceiling.  Apparently, this type of ceiling was popular in the seventies and eighties, but nowadays...not so much! 

On Tuesday the 12th, Debbie and I scraped off the popcorn ceiling in two of the bedrooms and the dining room.  It took six and a half hours to complete!  What was nice about this job was that the ceilings were flat, not slanted.  This was not the case for the last three rooms that needed to be worked on. 

On Thursday the 14th, Debbie and I spent three and a half hours scraping the master bedroom's ceiling, which was slanted.  Once we got to the highest point in the ceiling, we took turns using the tallest ladder we had.  One person would scrape while the other would hold on to the ladder.  By the time we were done with the master bedroom, my dad, Eric, Sophie, Keith, and Mark showed up.  We took a quick break and moved on to the family room.  With the help of Sophie, Eric, and Mark, the family room took about an hour to finish.  Eric and Mark, using some serious upper body strength, scraped the ceiling with long-handled scrapers.  The popcorn crap came off in large sheets!  It was fantastic!

The living room, aka the front room, was the one we saved for last.  Because the highest point of the room is 12'6", scaffolding was needed to reach the ceiling.  Yesterday, the 17th, scaffolding was brought in and the scraping went underway.  After three hours, about two-thirds of the ceiling was scraped and patched.  The rest will be scraped this week.

It was seriously satisfying getting this done!

Debbie and I after we finished scraping the master bedroom's ceiling.

Debbie using scaffolding to scrape the ceiling in the living room.  She's fearless!

Debbie, Atorina, and I patching up the ceiling after it's been scraped.

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