Tuesday, July 19, 2011


P-V-A.  The first time I heard those three letters put together to make a "word" was this past Sunday.  "What's PVA?" you ask.  Well, now I'm an expert in PVA and can tell you exactly what it is.  It's primer.  Yup, primer.  It's purpose...to prime the walls, that have been newly textured, for new paint.  And it's a pain in the neck to put on the walls.  And no, it's not enough to buy a paint that already has primer in it.  I promise.

New texture that was sprayed on the walls acts as a sponge.  If it's not sealed it will absorb all of your paint and you will end up wasting the paint and spending a whole lot of money.  So that's where the PVA comes in.  It needs to be rolled on and let dry for 24 hours before you paint.  However, the texture does the same thing to it as it does to paint...it absorbs all of it up and if you're not quick with the paint roller it looks uneven, patchy, and completely ugly.  Yes, I know it's just primer, but I'm completely OCD and can't handle it looking that way.  And that is exactly how the first wall I painted looked, which completely frustrated me.  In the midst of my frustration, in walks the stud, Keith, to show me how it's done.  Apparently, I was being stingy with the stuff.  You need to soak up the roller with the PVA.  Huh, imagine that.  Needless to say, after two hours I completed one bedroom's walls, ceiling, and closet.  My mom came in behind me and took care of all of the corners and around the door frames and windows.  Mark worked on another bedroom and Debbie worked on the dining room, but because we ran out of PVA they were only able to finish half of each room.  So, tomorrow we have to buy more PVA to complete the two incomplete rooms.

And the whole house is going to have new texture, so you know what that means...

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